dijous, 2 de desembre del 2010

Solsona's Carnival By Josep Azorín

Next weekend in Solsona will be the festival CARNIVAL.
The Solsona's Carnival is a Carnival very famous in Catalonia.
This Carnival is celebration in February.
In this Carnival in the Thursday in the evening is celebration dinner fatty, in the Friday in the evening make the download “Boits”, in Saturday in the afternoon reaches the “Carnestoltes” and hang the donkey, Monday is the children Carnival, in Wednesday cream the “Carnastoltes”.

dijous, 25 de novembre del 2010

An event by ELIANA


The famous singer, dancing, music compotition... Shakira is the new picture Freixenet and congratulate us for Christmas 2010.
DATE: Christmas 2010

dimarts, 23 de novembre del 2010

The musical group LUKY TOUCH perform in Solsona to raise money for poor children of Africa.
He takes money to drinks and ships...
The group consist of one guitarist, two singers and one drummer,
Luky touch play in “Plaça del Camp” at 8:00 p.m on Saturday.
The entrance is free!

Liceu Theatre by Cristina Terricabras


Gran Teatro Liceu. Semperoper Ballet Giselle, Season 2010-2011. November 2010, day 6, at 5 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. Days 8, 9, 11, 12 and 15, at 8 p.m. and day 14th, at 5 p.m. Prices of 20 to 124 €. Ticket sales: by ServiCaixa and LiceuDirecte (www.liceubarcelona.cat), 902-53-33-53 or phone the box office Monday to Friday from half past one to eight o’clock (Saturdays and holidays, with representation from one hour before the show). Please, be punctual. It will not be allowed to enter the room once the performance started.

Cristina Terricabras Jové

A writer in Solsona by Albert Manyoses

Rodolfo del Hoyo in Solsona

This Monday 22 at 12 AM the writer Rodolfo del Hoyo comes to the theatre of Solsona. This writer he is writes a lot of books.

Their books are for children, are fun and educative. Some books of Rodolfo are:

 El secret del planeta Moix, Barcelona, Barcanova, 2000
 La banda dels catòdics enfurismats, Barcelona, Cadí, 2004
 La colla del fantasma Barruf, Barcelona, Barcanova, 2004
 La vaqueta Queta, Barcelona, Cadí, 2004
 Elisa (adaptació literària), Vic, Eumo editorial amb la col•laboració de l'IREF i de la Universitat de Girona, 2004
 El talismà de l'Ariadna, Barcelona, Barcanova, 2005
 La font del cedre, Barcelona, Baula, 2005
 De tot cor (amb altres autors i autores), Barcelona, Barcanova, 2007
 El capità Barruf i els caçafantasmes, Barcelona, Barcanova, 2009
 Un pingüí damunt del televisor, Barcelona, Alfaguara - Grup Promotor, 2010

A Fair by Cristina Cabestany


Hellooo Solsoonnaaa!!! I have a surprise, this saturday will have a CHARITABLE FAIR.
Things you can do:
-Participate with craft stuff.
-Invent some plays for children (0-12 years)
-Bring your children
-Bring craft pasta

-Make it free.
-The raised money is for a new school for poor children.


PLACE: Plaça del Camp
A game: 2.00 euros
Croisant: 1.50 euros
“Coca”: 0.85 euros
Drink: 2.10 euros
Cristina Cabestany

A hundred year-old giants meeting!

A hundred year-old giants meeting

This meeting is celebrated in Solsona on 24 of November.

There will be twenty pairs of giants. The parade beginning in “Plaça del Camp” and going in “Carrer castell”, ”Plaça Major”, “Consell Comarcal”, “Plaça St.Roc” and finish in “Plaça del Camp”. When finish parade beginning the pairs of giants have their own dance. Have the finish dancing and close the spectacle

The pairs of giants are from:
-Giants of Vic, his name is “Compte d'Osona”, and her name is “Comptessa d'Osona”.
-Giants of Badalona, his name is “Albert” and her name is “Calamarsanda”.
-Giants of Torelló, his name “Rei moro de Mallorca” and her name is “Pubilla de Puigbacó”
-Giants ofSanta Maria del Mar, his name is “Rei Salomó” and “ Reina de Saba”.
-Giants of Cardona, his name is “Borrell II” and her name is “Letgarda”.
-Giants of Barri de la caritat de Barcelona, his name is “El gegant” and her name is “Geganta”.
-Giants of Manresa, his name is “Rei” and her name is “La Renia”.
-Giants of Pi of Barcelona, his name is “Mustafà” and her name is “Elisenda”.
-”Gegantons” of Pi of Barcelona, his name is “Oriol” and her name is “Laia”.
-Giants of Olot, ther are the first giants of the world, his name is “Gegant d'Olot” and her name is “Gegantessa d'Olot”.
-Giants of Reus, his name is “Indi, and her name is “India”.
-Giants “Moros” of Reus, his name is “Guerrer Sarraí” and her name is “La Mora”.
-Giants of Terrassa, his name is “Robesa” and her name is “Pepona”.
-Christians Giants of Sitges, his name is “Rei” and her name is “La Dama”.
-Giants “Moros” of Sitges, his name is “Moro” and her name is “Mora”.
-Christians Giants of Tarragona, his name is “El gegant” and her name is “La Geganta”.
-New Giants of Patum of Berga, his name is “Gegant Nou” and her name is “Geganta Nova”
-The Old Giants of Patum of Berga, his name is “Gegant Vell” and her name is “Geganta Vella”.
-Family Robafaves Mataró, the father, his name is “Robafaves” the mather, her name is “La Geganta”, the boy his name is “Maneló” and the girl is “Toneta”.
-Giants of Lleida, his name is “Marc Antoni” and her name is “Cleopatra”.
-Giants of Solsona, his name is “Gegant Jove” and her name is “Geganta Jove”
-The old Giants of Solsona, his name is “Gegant Vell” and her name is “Geganta Vella”.

This is a spectacular meeting !!!