dijous, 2 de desembre del 2010

Solsona's Carnival By Josep Azorín

Next weekend in Solsona will be the festival CARNIVAL.
The Solsona's Carnival is a Carnival very famous in Catalonia.
This Carnival is celebration in February.
In this Carnival in the Thursday in the evening is celebration dinner fatty, in the Friday in the evening make the download “Boits”, in Saturday in the afternoon reaches the “Carnestoltes” and hang the donkey, Monday is the children Carnival, in Wednesday cream the “Carnastoltes”.

dijous, 25 de novembre del 2010

An event by ELIANA


The famous singer, dancing, music compotition... Shakira is the new picture Freixenet and congratulate us for Christmas 2010.
DATE: Christmas 2010

dimarts, 23 de novembre del 2010

The musical group LUKY TOUCH perform in Solsona to raise money for poor children of Africa.
He takes money to drinks and ships...
The group consist of one guitarist, two singers and one drummer,
Luky touch play in “Plaça del Camp” at 8:00 p.m on Saturday.
The entrance is free!

Liceu Theatre by Cristina Terricabras


Gran Teatro Liceu. Semperoper Ballet Giselle, Season 2010-2011. November 2010, day 6, at 5 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. Days 8, 9, 11, 12 and 15, at 8 p.m. and day 14th, at 5 p.m. Prices of 20 to 124 €. Ticket sales: by ServiCaixa and LiceuDirecte (www.liceubarcelona.cat), 902-53-33-53 or phone the box office Monday to Friday from half past one to eight o’clock (Saturdays and holidays, with representation from one hour before the show). Please, be punctual. It will not be allowed to enter the room once the performance started.

Cristina Terricabras Jové

A writer in Solsona by Albert Manyoses

Rodolfo del Hoyo in Solsona

This Monday 22 at 12 AM the writer Rodolfo del Hoyo comes to the theatre of Solsona. This writer he is writes a lot of books.

Their books are for children, are fun and educative. Some books of Rodolfo are:

 El secret del planeta Moix, Barcelona, Barcanova, 2000
 La banda dels catòdics enfurismats, Barcelona, Cadí, 2004
 La colla del fantasma Barruf, Barcelona, Barcanova, 2004
 La vaqueta Queta, Barcelona, Cadí, 2004
 Elisa (adaptació literària), Vic, Eumo editorial amb la col•laboració de l'IREF i de la Universitat de Girona, 2004
 El talismà de l'Ariadna, Barcelona, Barcanova, 2005
 La font del cedre, Barcelona, Baula, 2005
 De tot cor (amb altres autors i autores), Barcelona, Barcanova, 2007
 El capità Barruf i els caçafantasmes, Barcelona, Barcanova, 2009
 Un pingüí damunt del televisor, Barcelona, Alfaguara - Grup Promotor, 2010

A Fair by Cristina Cabestany


Hellooo Solsoonnaaa!!! I have a surprise, this saturday will have a CHARITABLE FAIR.
Things you can do:
-Participate with craft stuff.
-Invent some plays for children (0-12 years)
-Bring your children
-Bring craft pasta

-Make it free.
-The raised money is for a new school for poor children.


PLACE: Plaça del Camp
A game: 2.00 euros
Croisant: 1.50 euros
“Coca”: 0.85 euros
Drink: 2.10 euros
Cristina Cabestany

A hundred year-old giants meeting!

A hundred year-old giants meeting

This meeting is celebrated in Solsona on 24 of November.

There will be twenty pairs of giants. The parade beginning in “Plaça del Camp” and going in “Carrer castell”, ”Plaça Major”, “Consell Comarcal”, “Plaça St.Roc” and finish in “Plaça del Camp”. When finish parade beginning the pairs of giants have their own dance. Have the finish dancing and close the spectacle

The pairs of giants are from:
-Giants of Vic, his name is “Compte d'Osona”, and her name is “Comptessa d'Osona”.
-Giants of Badalona, his name is “Albert” and her name is “Calamarsanda”.
-Giants of Torelló, his name “Rei moro de Mallorca” and her name is “Pubilla de Puigbacó”
-Giants ofSanta Maria del Mar, his name is “Rei Salomó” and “ Reina de Saba”.
-Giants of Cardona, his name is “Borrell II” and her name is “Letgarda”.
-Giants of Barri de la caritat de Barcelona, his name is “El gegant” and her name is “Geganta”.
-Giants of Manresa, his name is “Rei” and her name is “La Renia”.
-Giants of Pi of Barcelona, his name is “Mustafà” and her name is “Elisenda”.
-”Gegantons” of Pi of Barcelona, his name is “Oriol” and her name is “Laia”.
-Giants of Olot, ther are the first giants of the world, his name is “Gegant d'Olot” and her name is “Gegantessa d'Olot”.
-Giants of Reus, his name is “Indi, and her name is “India”.
-Giants “Moros” of Reus, his name is “Guerrer Sarraí” and her name is “La Mora”.
-Giants of Terrassa, his name is “Robesa” and her name is “Pepona”.
-Christians Giants of Sitges, his name is “Rei” and her name is “La Dama”.
-Giants “Moros” of Sitges, his name is “Moro” and her name is “Mora”.
-Christians Giants of Tarragona, his name is “El gegant” and her name is “La Geganta”.
-New Giants of Patum of Berga, his name is “Gegant Nou” and her name is “Geganta Nova”
-The Old Giants of Patum of Berga, his name is “Gegant Vell” and her name is “Geganta Vella”.
-Family Robafaves Mataró, the father, his name is “Robafaves” the mather, her name is “La Geganta”, the boy his name is “Maneló” and the girl is “Toneta”.
-Giants of Lleida, his name is “Marc Antoni” and her name is “Cleopatra”.
-Giants of Solsona, his name is “Gegant Jove” and her name is “Geganta Jove”
-The old Giants of Solsona, his name is “Gegant Vell” and her name is “Geganta Vella”.

This is a spectacular meeting !!!

In Solsona...

In Solsona next week, there are will make a zoo in Camp del Serra. The name of the zoo is Macacolandia.
The zoo will have an area of 250 square meters! It's big! The zoo will be based in the macaco.
There will be, monkeys, elephants, snakes, birds
Two hundread people work at the zoo educating them, cleaned their habits, feeding them...
In the zoo, there are a theme park. This name is Macacolandia Attracions. There are roler coaster, atrractions...
The ticket will be costs 30 euros.
Come to Macacolandia and enjoy!

Iris proposes a concert

“Canto del Loco” concert in the “Plaça del camp”

Day: 25 to December.
Hour: 18:00 to afternoon
On the Saturday 25 to December in the Plaça del camp will play Canto del Loco.
The tiket cost 7.00 euros.

Oriol invites you to an event

Oriol Palou Casas An event 18-11-2010

Day: This Friday 19 th of November in Barcelona ( Imax Port Vell ) there will this film: Wild Ocean 3D.

Time: Will be at a quarter past ten in the morning.

How much ? The entry cost 8.70 uros and is very expansing.

What to buy ? The film is recommended for all ages. Before you go buy popcorn and other things during the film.

A little sumary:The film is about some animals from the Seas of South Africa, some whales, sharks and dolphins in 3D. It is very good, but if you take of the 3D glasses you see all bud.

Other information: The people there are wearing glasses with a third dimension. The people think that it is very good,because sems clooser to you. I think that is a very good experience, and is not normally at this life.

Other bookmarks:

In the web page of Imax Port Vell in Barcelona has got some information about this films and other films you can see in Imax with 3D glasses.

A trailer of the film:



Josep M. Duró

Presentation of lip dub of the Carnival of Solsona

At 13 of November, at seven of the afternoon, at “Cambra de Comerç” in Solsona, the “Associació de Festes del Carnaval”, presents the first lip dub of the Carnival, filmed at September at “Carrer Castell”, with participation of 200 people interested.
It’s maked for promotion of the 2011 edition of the Carnival, the video; it’s maked with the song “Vine a la Festa” of “Els Pets”, remembering the famous hung of the donkey.
The event is open for everyone.


WHAT- Presentation of lip dub of the Carnival of Solsona
WHEN- On 13 of November, at 7.00
WHERE- In Cambra de Comerç of Solsona
WHO FOR- For everybody, it’s free and open for all

The “Associació de Festes del Carnaval”, presents the first lip dub of the Carnival, filmed at September at “Carrer Castell”, with participation of 200 people interested.
It’s maked for promotion of the 2011 edition of the Carnival, the video; it’s maked with the song “Vine a la Festa” of “Els Pets”, remembering the famous hung of the donkey.

A film by David Estany

The Orphanage is a Spanish film production in 2007. This is the debut director Juan Antonio Bayona & Filming Filming produced, co-produced by Telecinco, presented by Guillermo del Toro and starring Belen Rueda.
The film was of a mother and son in an s'hen Biure a
new house, where they had been old name

One day my mother drunk son drawing a child with a
sack on his head and the boy says that his best friend
and says Tomas, but the mother does not believe it.
On the day of inauguration of the house while the
party is fen mother goes to the kitchen and see the
child you think your child drawn grandmother but not
ignored.In the days following very strange things
started to happen in the house.The mother starts to
see that your child does something very strange
happens and your child…

That for a film that once you start you can not stop watching. The movie is not boring at all for that you do not see often and tired. I think the film is sold much done, the sets and an overall the characters are well chosen, but there is only a ghost of what is seen, how ever it fiquesin or three or four more would be the movie much more horror.


David proposes a fashion


Punk fashion is highly variable both inspired rock bands to major designers designs:
- Clothes: normally short.
- Hair: bright and many tenyits are with chalk and their fans.
- Jewelry: necklaces and bracelets usually carry chains or spike.

The punk fashion probe that first began to bring many rock bands, and then they cumençar portarla to their fans.
Currently there is much kindness.

Aitor 's film

My name is Borat from Kazajhstan I am going to Estats Units for the interview for people from Estats Units.
This film is a comedy of borat for this film is a very funny film but something teh escens isn’t not funny



My name is Ona and I’m a student.
My favourite subjects are: IT, PE and VIP. I hate Maths, science and others.
I’m from Solsona, but I was born in Manresa.
I like watching films, surfing the net, smiling, going out with my friends,...
I hate Real Madrid and I don't like the winter.


My name is Mykola. I'm a student. My favourite subject is P. E. My favourite subject isn’t Maths. I come from Ukraina. I like playing computer games. I don't like doing homework. My favourite music is hip-hop. My favourite food is pizza. I don't like studying music but I like studying art. I like watching TV. I like playing basketball. I sometimes play basketball. But I don't play football. I hate studying for the exams.


My name is Miquel. I’m a student. I’m from Solsona. I’m 13 years old. I like riding motorbike. I don’t like dancing. My favourite subject is P.E.


My name is Josep M. Duró. I’m a student. I live in Solsona but I’m from Lladurs. I like playing tennis, table tennis and football. My favourite object is my first ball. I don’t like skateboarding. My favourite subject is PE but I like arts and crafts and IT with computers, too. Maths is not my favourite subject.


My name is Iris Capdevila.
I'm a student, I'm from Solsona. My favourite subject is
Art. Maths is not my favourite subject.
My favourite activities are: going to the swimming pool, roller-skating, playing the piano and going out with friends.
I don’t like rock climbing, doing the homework,
Playing the guitar and Cristiano Ronaldo.


Hi, my name is Yulieth Eliana Duque Ruiz. I'm 13 years old. I' m from Colombia. I'm a student in ARRELS II. I have got one brother. His name is Jonathan Javier Paz Ruiz. I live in Solsona with my mother and my little brother.
My favourite subjects are PE, IT, Art... .
The subject I don’t like is Catalan.
My favourite activities are going to the cinema, swimming, singing, dancing, watching soap operas, sleeping... .
The things I don’t like are the noise, getting up early, washing dishes... .


My name is Cristina. I’m thirteen years old. I’m a student. I’m studying 2 ESO. My favourite subjects are History and Science. My not favourite subjects are Maths and Catalan. I was born in Valls. I come from Solsona in Catalonia. I live with my parents. My mother is Rosa, my father is Eduard and my brother is Joan. My favourite things are skiing, dancing, running and swimming.
The activities I don’t like are basketball and football. My favourite actress is Angelina Jolie.
See you soon,
Cristina Terricabras Jové


My name is Josep Azorín. I'm 13 years old.
I have blonde hair, I'm small, my favorite subject is P.E.
I have blue eyes, I have an ipod touch, my favorite sport is free ride.
My school is Arrels Secondary. I like playing with the Play 2, my favorite game is San Andreas.
I like riding the bike with my friend at the weekends .
My favorite food is macarroni.
My favorite music group is The cat Empire.
My favorite song is cry-cry-oceana


My name is Albert Manyoses Subirà.I'm a student.
My favorite subjects are P.E and Technology.
My not favourite subject is Maths.
I'm from Pi de Sant Just.
My favourite activities are playing football, riding my bike, playing computer games, talking to my best friends , sleeping and eating.


My name is Marta. I'm a student. My favourite subject is P.E. I hate Maths and Technology.
I'm from Solsona. I was born in Manresa.
I like playing sports, watching TV, going to the cinema, surfing the net, chatting with my friends, sleeping, going to the beach.
I hate Cristiano Ronaldo.


My name is Mar. I'm student in Escola Arrels II. My favourite subject is Geography and PE.I hate Maths and Technology. I'm from Solsona and I live in Solsona. I like TV Series, sports, dogs and animals. I hate Real Madrid.
My name is Cristina Cabestany Bastida.I am a student. My favourite subject is gym, and my not favourite subject is science. II live in Solsona but I was born on Manresa.
My favourite things are: playing the guitar, playing tennis, going to the cinema, surfing in the net.
My not favourite things are: homework, history and maths.


My name is Oriol. I am a student at Arrels school. My favourite subjects are History and Science, but I hate Maths and V.I.P. I was born in Manresa, but i live in Solsona. I love playing football, but I hate basketball. My favourite things are the computer and the MP 5, but I hate my homework. My favourite groups of music are Basshunter, David Guetta and Abba. I have two brothers. Their names are Sergi and Aleix. Sergi is fifteen years old, and Aleix is eight years old. I love my collection of computer Cd's , but I hate my notebooks.


My name is Pau, I'm twelve years old, and I have one brother, Jan. My hobbies are painting and building and giants. I live in Solsona, in a house, and I have a lot of small giants. My favourite subjects are History and Art . I go to Arrels II school, my teacher is Conxita Flores. My friends are Cristina, Adrià and Marc.


I David.I'm 13.I'm very tall. My favourite sport is football, basket, and volleyball. My favourite subject is sport and art.
I have a dog, his name is Luk and I have a hamster and his name is Messi.


My name is Aitor Basurte .I'm thirteen years old. I live in Solsona and I go to Arrels school.
My best friend is Miquel Luna.I like playing computer games and playing with my friends.
I hate Maths but I like Carles, he is a good teacher.
I play tennis after school on Friday .I hate the school but I like playing with my friends.


My name is Helena, I'm 12 years old. I live in Solsona , my favourite colour is blue. I have two brothers, Aleix and Ferran.
My school is ARRELS II. I’m in 2nd ESO. My favourite subject is art an I hate maths. My teacher is Contxita Flores, in my class there are 24 students. When the school finishes I do different activities.

dijous, 18 de novembre del 2010

Film report by Cristina Cabestany


John Boyne writes The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas on only two days and two nights.
First did the novel and then the film.
The film was released on 19th of September, 2008.

The film explains the story of Bruno.
Bruno is a boy, now eight years and he lived in the World War II. Bruno and his family moved to an other house because Ralph (his dad) change the working position for a good position.
When Bruno go to their room, in the windows see a Concentration camp of Jews, he things that the building it's a farm because every body dressing with a pyjamas.
Bruno's father contract Hr. Liszt, and he explain Geography and History and for Bruno it's boring.
Bruno doesn't know dad his father with other soldiers works in a concentration camp of Jews. Bruno go to explorer the forest next to his house and he discovers the Concentration camp of Jews, and he met with Shmuel, and let's friends. Later Shmuel left.
Every afternoon Bruno go to the ''farm'' because plays with Shmuel. Shamuel one day explain the story of his dad, and Bruno decided dad sign in and help to Bruno to find his dad.
When Bruno it's in side, Ralph orders some Jews kill, in this some Jews are Bruno...

This film are good, but the end could be more good because Bruno didn’t nothing.

Mar comments a film

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Smith is a film of action / comedy, directed by Doug Liman and written by Simon Kinberg. composed by John Powell. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie play a bored couple till they discovered each learn the other is a murderer /a salary.Try to kill themselves as their respective bosses ordered him finally to see that the last mission had been assigned to them was a trick to just end the life of another, unite and fight together against their 'agencies'. The film picked up and 178,207,520 worldwide.
This film was criticed by the Colombian government by the Bogotá of the film because it appears as a small town in the middle of the jungle, hot and humid climate. The mayor and President of the Republic invited Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and producers of the film to know the city and realize how wrong they were to show that "fictitious Bogotá.

I think it's a film well made and very elaborate.I think Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie did a great job. I love the film for this action and comedy.

A film review by Iris

Look Who's Talking

Life commented on Mikey, a newborn child who will continue in his early life, his relationship with adults, and an exceptional witness to the loving misadventures of a single mother and a sympathetic taxi driver led to one of the greatest hits.

I think this movie is beautiful and is very well and when I saw I really liked.

dimecres, 17 de novembre del 2010

FILM REVIEW by Helena Terricabras

Helena Terricabras


The original title of the film is “drag me to hell”.
The film is a story for a woman that is cursed, when start the film an old women comes to de bank and Christine (a woman how works in a bank, is the main character of the film) speak with her.
The old woman asks the bank to give her money. Christine think that the bank give a lot of money, and no give money to the old women. In the night when Christine go to the parking appears the old women and fight to Crhisten in a moument old women he malay a botton, old the film is about Christine who tries desmalay her botton at the end off the film, when Christen thinks that the botton is desmalay the true is her desmalay a money and in the end of the film the land is eating Christine.

Marta wrote this about a film


It is a film about a horse he called Flicka, Flicka is a mustang horse. Katy McLaughlin, sixteen year old girl dreams about run and working in his father's ranch in Wyoming. But Katy's father wants more for her, insisting on going to college.
Katy finds a wild mustang, which she names Flicka, and sets about making him a riding horse. But Flicka and Katy are more alike than she had imagined. Like Katy. Flicka shows contempt for the authority and will not give up their freedom without planting tough battle. Is a drama film. Is a beautiful film.

Marta Capdevila

SAW by Miquel Pujol


Saw is American horror film, directed James Wan and starring Tobin Bell. The film it’s consists the tests. He is fantastic horror film. There are different stages that people have to get something.

Miquel Pujol

A film review By JM Duró

Josep M. Duró


Hancock it’s an interesting action film, Will Smith is Hancock, the main character, a person with superhero powers. He helps people with problems, but he destroys all, and the other people are angry with him. But until one day, saves a men, and he, wants to help him, but Hancock does not.
Hancock thinks “he can help me”, and goes to his home, and the men tries to help, putting him in jail.
When the days pass, a police goes to ask his help. Hancock he dresses, and goes to the scenery of the robbery, and prevents robbers robs a bank. The people, trust him, all go good, but the wife of the men helps them, it hurts, because the criminal of the bank attack them, Hancock helps them, are going to a different place, and the woman, it recovers.
The criminal goes to the jail, and Hancock makes a hart on the moon, for the woman.

Hancock is a good film, because the main character, it’s a person with superpowers, but the people are angry with him, and the film shows you how you can change the character of the people, and the life sometimes is unfair, but all have got a solution.
I love this film!!!

Lisa's film

step up lisa

Step up is a densing movie .This movie is in New York .It has characters the mater characters is luce , natalli and moose . This movie is in 3D and they lived in a house this has a hip hop club . He has tow clubs the pirates and the ningas . The clubs compodeison , the film was on 17 setember the 2010. The director is Jon M.Chu and the muisic is Bear McCreary.

A very good film by Oriol Palou

Oriol Palou Casas The film report 15-11-2010
The boy in the striped pyjamas

This film it was created in 2006 by John Boyne, a very good writer.

This film is about a family living in Berlin in 1492. The father is chosen general and has got a mision, protect a concentration camp where there are Jews. This family have got two brothers, Bruno and Gretel. One day when Bruno returns from school, he is watching their parents doing the suitcase to go to that house. The father had been elected general of the Nazis and had been monitoring commends a concentration camp. The house was far from a very short time to Berlín. Bruno's father told her not to come out of the enclosure, but one day Bruno decided to explore. Beyond Bruno meets Shmuel, a Jewish boy of his age in the camp of concentration. Soon become friends, until one day Bruno decides to go there and as one of vestra ellsajudar to find the father of Shmuel. The German soldiers guide to all the Jews and Bruno, in a room, make them undress and then die all asfixaits with a toxic gas. The family found him crying in very sad and bewildered.
The film it was directed by Marc Herman on 26 September 2008 and her writers are John Boyne
and Mark Herman. Some actors for tthis film are Asa Butterfield, David Thewlis and Rupert Friend.
The principal carasthers of this film are Bruno, Gretel, the mother and the father of Bruno,Shmuel,
the maid and some Jews.
For my opinion this film is a very good film, because he apeeared some facts of this vintage, but at
the end of the film is very shocking and sad.

An interesting film by Josep

Master and comander

In April 1805 during the Napoleonic Wars, the H.M.S. Surprise, a British frigate, is under the command of Captain Jack Aubrey. Aubrey and the Surprise's current orders are to track and capture or destroy a French privateer named Acheron. The Acheron is currently in the Atlantic off South America headed toward the Pacific in order to extend Napoleon's reach of the wars. This task will be a difficult one as Aubrey quickly learns in an initial battle with the Acheron that it is a bigger and faster ship than the Surprise, which puts the Surprise at a disadvantage. Aubrey's single-mindedness in this seemingly impossible pursuit puts him at odds with the Surprise's doctor and naturalist, Stephen Maturin, who is also Aubrey's most trusted advisor on board and closest friend. Facing other internal obstacles which have resulted in what they consider a string of bad luck, Aubrey ultimately uses Maturin's scientific exploits to figure out a way to achieve his and the ship's seemingly impossible goal.


This film is very interesting

Josep Azorín

A film by Pau

The film-El equipo A

The A team, was a television series, which now has become a movie. It was four men who work for government and for the facts to blame the deaths of soldiers, close to cell and think a plan to escape. When looking for the guilty have escaped death because the soldiers, they have not been proven.
At the end of the meet, but again blamed for having left the cell, and closed again.

This film is very exiting, I like this, because have guns, bombs etc, and has a special affection very nice.

My film review By Cristina Terricabras


The movie is called Finding Never Land. It is an amazing comedy that is set in London in 1903 in the world of theatre and it is based on a play,” The man who was Peter Pan”.

This touching story is about a writer of theatre plays who meets a mother with her cute kids in the park. He plays with them and they have hilarious adventures that allow the writer to think about his familiar plot.

For me the best performance is Peter, the little boy is really cute.
I think it is for old and young people and it is completely different from other films that I have seen.

Cristina Terricabras Jové

Film review by Eliana


Pirates of the Caribbean is a film produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, Mike Stenson, Chad Oman, Bruce Hendricks, Paul Deason y Gore Verbinski. Stars: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley and Geoffrey Rush. This trilogy of Walt Disney Pictures currently consists of three installments, but this is a new 2011 ("Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides").
Where, so far, have positive earnings up to $ 994,447,248. But they had no plan to do many deliveries, if not that, after the resounding success of the first part, Rossio and Elliot decided to make two more installments, including new characters such as Davy Jones, the Flying Dutchman and the Kraken.

For me, Pirates of the Caribbean is a fascinating film, full of action, emotion, love ..., are 1 - 2 hours equally fascinating scenes without also having some very funny scenes and fun.
But what seems to me, more importantly, has kept the cast as the first movie, but has left an occasional actor.
There are rumors that the fourth installment of Pirates of the Caribbean will replace Keira Knightley by Penelope Cruz, and that it would be a terrible decisions made by the producer.

I liked this film, do you? by Albert

Film report
Scary movie 4

Scary movie 4 is a comedy film; it is laughs of the other films.
I like this film, is fun and there are pieces of popular films with a little of humour:
- Saw
- The Grudge
- The Village
- War of the Worlds.

I think that it is the best film that I watched in TV.

Albert Manyoses Subirà

Film report by Ona


Amélie (original french tittle: Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain, "The fabulous destiny of Amélie Poulain") it's a French romantic comedy appeared in 2001.
The director is Jean-Pierre Jeunet, and the writers are Guillaume Laurant and also the director. Amélie Poulain is protagonized by Audrey Tatou and Nino is protagonized by Mathieu Kassovitz. The photograph was Bruno Delbonnel.

Amelie, isn't a girl as the others. She's an innocent and naive girl in Paris who, in her twenty two years old discovers the objective with her life: She invents strategies to help without realizing it, in the life of several people of her around and along the way, discovers love.
Awards(2001): 5 Oscar nominations, nominated in (el Globo de Oro) with the best film is not english, 2 BAFTA awards: best original screenplay and production design. 9 nominations. 4 Cesar awards: best film, director, music and production design. 13 nominations. Award of the public and others.
I good like this film, because is a very beautiful history about Amélie's life and as she discovers the love. I like the details can you see in the movie and the photography’s are very nice.
Film trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sECzJY07oK4
Ona Corbera Llaudet


summer fashion is headed by the bikinis for the 2010.this year , the outfits are very original and from

all trikinis are the most imposingin
spring summmer 2010 season a collection that romantic and etheral dresses,chiffon camisoles sublimated , shirts embroidered ruffles.On the other hand what rock and eighties, which reflected in the famous jeans.

Look hot this summer is no sweat. This year's cool clothes rang from long frecks that rock,to appliques that put a new spin on finger-painting

Fashion by Helena


Collection LOREAK MENDIAN autumn woman

Loreak Mendian is a fashion label founded by Xabi Zirikiain and Victor Serna in San Sebastian in 1995. Xabi, an engineer who until then had been engaged in aircraft wing design, was made famous in the environment of this city a logo representing a margarita. For his part, Victor, had just finished a degree in business and his entrepreneurial spirit led him to raise the marketing of the product. Together and with more enthusiasm than experience, began an affair in tandem: Xabi designing logos and reflecting on them as influences of many worlds of music, art, architecture .... And Victor dealing with numbers and making it more entrepreneurial this adventure. Together they created a universe: the universe Loreak Mendian.
Year after year, our work is to propose the clothes we wear next season. In thinking about what fabrics, cuts and people will want to volumes within a year.

In reality this is not longer a relative merit thank God, no trends vary so much from season to season.

But if something is clear to us that we are not a fashion visionary. Ours is to make jackets, pants or dresses for use, to grow old with us after a few seasons bring.

Shirts, jerseys and socks to stay in our closets for several years. Entertain us during the fall and become part of our winter.

In short, these are the jackets, pants, shirts and scarves with which we want to entertain this winter, and the next!

Pau talks about fashion

The fashion
The trousers
The fashion with this year is dark jeans and short trousers with squares.
The fashion with winter is long dark blue jeans with belt.

The t-shirt
In summer
A famous brand is “Rams 23” and jerseys with numbers, words, protests, drawings.

In winter
In winter, the fashion Hoodies, and under can take a long-sleeved shirt.

The shoes
In summer
The fashion with summer typical sandals, with children “Geox” it’s a brand with shoes, “Converse” is another brand…

In winter
The fashion shoes with winter is “DC”, “Nike” and “adidas” their shoes are very wait.

The underpants
In summer and winter
The fashion underpants are with drawings and “Calvin Klein”. Usually the underpants put under swimsuit in summer.

I don’t like this modern fashion, except Converse and jeans.

diumenge, 14 de novembre del 2010

Oriol Palou Casas 24-10-2010
A fashion report

This is a report of a fashion in this autumn and winter. The people there are wearing some brown, red and green clothes. This are the colours when the people wear in this autumn and winter. Black, white and grey they don' t see with this two months. The people wearing some clothes of the years of the decade as 50 and 70. Began to bring high-waisted long skirts and shoes of moderate height. This season will see shorts and high leather boots. Some men wear scarves, vests and a beret. The picture shirts and scarves pictures are two main of clothes when you see in this two seasons. In this photo this girl is wearing a black sunglasses, a grey and blue dress, a brown handbag and a black boots.

What it is trendy this year

HAIR TRENDS 2010-2011

The new haircut of Scarlett Johansson, promises to be trend this year.
Scarlett was spotted on Wednesday (September 20) on Barcelona for the Fashion Awards at the National Art Museum, posing for photos and interviews, and being targeted by paparazzi who wanted to register the change of the blonde. Scarlett has radicalized in court shows the neck and the tips are longer in the front.


-This year brings leather, and not just in jackets. We also find other items like skirts or pants, in this material.
-The fashion shoes for this autumn / winter 2010/2011 are the spoils.
-Another thing that is cool, especially in jackets, will be the leopard print.
-For this autumn / winter 2010/2011 take point jackets in size XL.


The color trends, including a purple wine, a very deep green and, of course, black and coffee brown. There are lots of darker tones. The neutral, grey, bronze and cream are trend. Also the color brown eyes and pink skin tone.

Ona Corbera Llaudet

Halloween is a fashion by Mykola

2010 Halloween Fashion
This trend could not miss a special date on the calendar. That is why pumpkins, cobwebs, bats, etc., Are reflected in designs of clothing and accessories that do not have to be part of a costume.

These shoes in orange pumpkin drawings belong to the firm HVBAO, who are responsible for disseminating through fashion, graffiti, street culture and Chinese designs. This model is super original and not just to carry on Halloween.

As expected, the world's most famous cat, Hello Kitty, also joins the celebration of Halloween. With these fun t-shirts in black or orange squash. Perfect to combine with jeans or a denim mini and get a fun casual look.

Halloween is a shirt that you can wear days and days. It is a modern look.

There are also costumes for children. There are original costumes. There are many types of costumes.


HIPPIES by Miquel Pujol

The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United States during the mid-1960s, swiftly spreading to other countries around the world. The etymology of the term 'hippie' is from hipster. The early hippie ideology included the countercultural values of the Beat Generation. Some created their own social groups and communities, listened to psychedelic rock, embraced the sexual revolution, and used drugs such as marijuana to explore alternative states of consciousness. Is the various colors. I don’t like hippie.

Do you like it ?

Gothic Fashion by Marta Capdevila

Gothic fashion is a style of clothing worn by fans of the goth subculture, style, dark, sometimes morbid and erotic. The clothes are usually black, and hair, and glossy lips. Both women and men sometimes use gothic eyeliner and dark fingernails. The styles are often taken from the punks. Some fashion designers, including Alexander McQueen and John Galliano have been inspired by the Gothic.

This style emerged in the mid 80's, accompanying gothic rock. Deathly pale, black hair, frilly shirts, hats, leather clothing, accessories, magical or macabre (bone earrings, beads, skulls, etc), usually made of silver, black leather boots. Women in particular wear makeup witch, lace, stockings, red or purple leather, corsets, gloves, stilettos and silver jewelry which generally represent religious and occult.

More about Hippies by Mar

The hippies’ fashion was born in the 60’s in the USA and then spread through the world. The women wear a mini skirt, belt and boots was wonderful, hippies’ women not wearing bras and don’t shaved armpits and legs. Hippy men wear leather vests.
They are wore long hair and careless.
The hippies took drugs, the hippies listened psychedelic rock and folk groove, thought the sexual revolution and believed in free love.
The hippies always wear the symbol of peace. The hippies think about peace and love. The word hippie derives from another English word, hip, which means "popular, fashionable."

Mar Espuga

Josep M. Duró


The 1960s was revolutionary, because it was a time of post war, the people, especially the youth, dressed in a way to express rebellion; these people are the hippies. These people, wanted human rights and racial equality, because in the war, is lost these rights.
The hippies fashion, across the continents at 1960s, and the baby boomers, also called the flower children, they wear flowers in their hair, and the men sported long hair, loose flowing hair long like the women, and believing in 'equality for all' and protesting against social evils. At 1960s the people think, they lived up to The Days of Our Youth are the Days of Our Glory!
They wear bell-bottom jeans, flower patches and peasants blouses, and wears t-shirts and were part of everyday wear. And usually, wear flowers at the hair, because they wanted to say peace and love.
Hippies repelled the post war ugliness in the world and turned the attention of fashion to much natural beauty as possible. The tendency continues to this day, but without much success.

The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that began in the United States during the early years of the 1960s and subsequently spread worldwide. In the late 1960s, the hippies in the US were a youth mass flow, but then it was outdated, but the following generations called neo- hippies keeping alive the movement as a subculture establish hedin many ways and with new until today.

Iris Capdevila


The trends for this winter 2010 are the boot one little tall for the legs. The high-heeled shoes. The dresses and the fashion scarves. High and long skirts. Jackets abundant and many small feathers. It also is taken and will continue the plaid clothing and vests. As accessories we headbands with flowers, bows, butterflies. Multicolored bracelets and the rings exaggerated. The big bags.

Eliana Duque

DKNY (Donna Karan New York) is the label of fashion designer Donna Karan. It is also the name of a clothing store in New York City. She was inspired by her daughter, Gabby. Karan had a challenging goal of combining comfort and luxury in her clothing lines to appeal to her target market.
The autumn and winter fashion 2010 – 2011. Wool and pland is the main material of many collections, the tones are muted, beige, brown, grey and blue. Skirts, very short made of wool, leather or thick. The extremely high platforms, dark shoos. The leather coats and tone or black beret. Very long and extreme, made of very coarse wool scarves.

Cristina Terricabras Jové


Rip Curl is the most manufacture in Australia. The company was founded in 1969 by Doug Warbick andBrian Singer in Torquay, Victoria. In 1970 theydecided to begin production of wetsuits suitable for surfing
Rip Curl fabricate clothes, sweetwetars, chaquets...and most!
Is not dearly, because it’s not cheap.

Cristina Cabestany

Emo's style

Emo's faishon is very sad and dark, and common in the young people.
Is caraterized by rallies mostly in red/bule/pink shirts, and black (sometimes with skulls), colorful belts, and also somtimes
The emos usually wear black and long hair, and is influenced by Gothic style.
Are sad people who express they emotions throuht his syle.
It is characterized by rallies mostly in red shirts / blue / fuchsia ... and black, sometimes with skulls, colorful belts, and also sometimes wear tight pants with a shirt or a shirt with a tie, countering to their colors as possible and belts of bullets.
Josep Azorín