dimarts, 9 de novembre del 2010

Here you have Oriol's clues.

Clues 3 – 11 - 2010

An artist

He was born in 1452 in Florència and dies in 1519. He was an important artist, scientific, engineer and an inventor. He was the symbolism of Renaixament. He desensitized a lot of ideas, but no are construction, for example an helicopter and a submarine. He paints la Gioconda and the Saint Dinner.. In Florència there are a monument for this artist.

A British festival

It is a British festival that you celebrated at 1 of January. Is the first day of the year. In all countries they celebrated with fireworks at the midnight. In London there are celebrated
with fireworks in front of the River Thames. In Catalonia they are celebrated the twelve clock strikes in Barcelona. The people eat twelve pieces of grapes.

A monument

This monument was construction in a city of Italy. There is the bell of the cathedral of this city. They have got 55 meters of height. There is some tilt. The govern of Italy has prohibited the entrance of the people in 1964, for prevent her fall. In 2001 the people there are visiting this monument other one time.

A city

This city is localized at the centre of Eslovènia. Is the capital of Eslovènia. In this city they have got 310.000 inhabitants, 275 square kilometres and 298 msn ( targets on a sea level ). This city was construction at 15 dC. He was considerate a city in 1.220 dC.

A singer

This singer was born in Long Bronk, Nova Jersey, EUA in the 23 of September of 1949. This singer make Born in the USA, Born to run, Magic, Jessy James. He was recompilation 65 millions of albums and 120 million around the world.

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