dimecres, 3 de novembre del 2010



My name is David Estany. My class is big. There are chairs and tables, there is a blackboard, there are some computers and friends.
My class is very interesting.


My class is big. It's beautiful. It has got two windows. There are twenty four people. I sit next to Cristina. My teacher is Esther Ginestà.
There are twenty tables and chairs. I sit on the second row. The wall is white and orange. My class is on the first floor of the building.


My class is very big .There are 24 students. We have a table of every child..This year we have a computer of every student .
It has two windows, one door and the teachers are very good people.


My class is 2nd ESO A. In my class there are 24 children, 12 girls and 12 boys. Our tutor is Esther Ginestà.
It has got 30 tables and 30 chairs. It has got a lot of cupboards, two windows that need a key, a projector, two windows facing the corridor, 24 cabinets with plugs for netbooks, a platform with a desk, chair and netbook for the teacher, a big blackboard, cork boards to hang things mostly tutorial information and it has the walls painted white with orange-beige... .


In my class, there are 25 people.
There are two windows and some cupboards with books and also netbooks.
My class is pink and white. Abril and Marta sit on my left.
Bouchera sits in front of me and Martina sits behind me.

My class is small. There are 25 students. There are some stupid people but there are a lot of intelligent people. My teacher is Conxita. There are a lot of computers in the class.


My class is big. There are 25 students.My tutor is Conxita Flores.
There are two windows. There is a door. There are lot of tables and chairs. There is a projector and a white and green blackboard. It is Class 3. One part of the class is orange and other part is white.


My class is big. It has got 2 windows with shutters. The class is in the first floor. It has got a projector and a blackboard.
There are 25 chairs and tables for 25 students.
It has got cupboards. It's white and orange.
And at the back there are saves to keep our laptops.


My class is in Escola Arrels Secundaria
In my class there are 24 pupils. There are two widows and 24 tables. The windows are very big and modern. The wall is white with some stains. Sometimes the class is very stink. There is a door, and it is of wood. The professor is on a platform. There is a big blackboard in the class. In my class there is a projector and a digital screen. At the back of the class there are some drawers because the pupils put their Netbooks inside. There are six cupboards in the class to put the school material . Every table has got a drawer under the table. In this department the pupils put their books, notebooks, pencil cases...


My class has cork on the walls, a late and paved. My class has twenty-five tables, and twenty-five chairs, a cupboard with notebooks, a teacher’s chair and table, and special cupboards for computers, we use these cupboards to keep them.


In my class there are 24 students and one teacher: Contxita Flores, 25 computers and 25 tables and chairs, To end there are a lot of papers and 1 box to keep the netbooks. On the right there are some cupboards. In the class there are 2 windows.

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